Reminder: It will be as unique as you are

Welcome to your mental health journey

Let’s start feeling better together

Let’s start feeling better together

Who has it? Am I mentally healthy?

So what is mental health?

Mental health includes our emotions, psychological, and social well-being. Our mental wellness affects how we cope with stress, connect with others, and make decisions. When we are mentally healthy, we are able to do the things we love and cope with our environments.

It is important to take care of our minds, just as well as our bodies.

How to know when to
speak out for help?

  • Do you feel more irritable than usual? Do you experience highs and lows of emotion without warning?

  • Are you acting in ways that are unusual for you? Are you doing things that are risky or that you later regret?

  • Are you having trouble sleeping? Or are you sleeping way more than usual?

  • Has your appetite increased or decreased? Are you experiencing: headaches, stomach issues, chest pain, or back pain?

  • Are you having trouble concentrating or learning? Are you restless, nervous, or easily agitated?

This is mine, what’s yours?

It all starts with a story

I felt totally alone, I felt that something was wrong with me and somehow it was all my fault... I should be able to handle it alone... if I can’t solve it, it means I am broken... why isn’t anyone noticing... does anyone even care?

speak out

Step one


Step two

reach out


The start of

your journey

the real facts

Can you struggle mentally and still be successful?

Yes, absolutely yes! We see some highly successful people who thrive while still struggling with their mental illness. The Rock Johnson, Kristin Bell, and Jim Carrey have all opened up about struggling.

Are mental health problems a sign of weakness?

NO! Mental illness can affect anyone and does not reflect on your strength, personality, intelligence, abilities, etc. Many times it comes from prolonged stress, which we all experience.

Are mental health problems permeant?

Mental illness can come and go throughout an individual’s life. Every individual’s experiences will be unique, but a diagnosis doesn’t mean a life-long diagnosis. Finding balance and treatment are important to start feeling better.

Does having a mental illness make me “crazy?”

Having a mental illness does not mean you are “crazy.” It means you are human. It means you have an illness with challenging symptoms — the same as someone with an illness like asthma.

Are people with mental illness violent?

This is a HUGE myth! The truth is, people with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence. This is a stigma that can lead to people not getting help because they are afraid other’s will stereotype them.

What causes mental health issues?

There are lots of actors that can cause mental health illnesses. Genetics, environment, trauma, stressful events, or bullying can all be contributory factors as to why we might struggling mentally.

what can I do for myself?

  • keep active: try physical activities you enjoy!

  • get enough sleep: it is essential for overall health and is your brain’s time to repair and recharge

  • eat a balanced diet: food is what fuels our minds and body to be able to do all the things we love

  • stay connected: keeping health social relationships is not only fun but keeps our minds happy

  • make time for you: it’s ok to say no and fuel your mind, body, and heart with things you enjoy

where I can turn for support?

  • talk to your friends: your peers are there to help and support you

  • talk to a trusted adult: it can be a teacher, coach, parent, minister, or your favorite aunt!

  • talk to your doctor: they are trained to be able to help you on your mental health journey and find treatments that best suit you

  • community organizations: school wellness programs, community or state agencies often have free resources and meetings to help you find support

Where to reach out for help…

crisis hotline


Need to talk to some NOW? You or someone you know thinking about suicide? Connect to a trained counselor

talk to someone now

TEXT “HOME" 741-741

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to…Talk to a trained Crisis Counselor to help bring you from a hot to cool moment.

find services

find treatment near you

Ready to find support and treatment in your area? Here is a resource allows you to find professionals at the click of a button!

learn about options

learn about what treatments are available

Not one size fits all! Your mental health journey will be as unique of you.

contact your school or college

schools often have free resources or counselors

Most schools have resources on site. You can contact the counseling office or health center in colleges for help.

your school here!